Uplands PEAK Sanctuary

Our Mission:

To rescue and rehabilitate abused and neglected farmed animals, educate the public to the benefits of a healthy vegan lifestyle, and promote sustainability.


Indiana’s first farmed animal sanctuary, Uplands PEAK Sanctuary, was founded in 2012 and opened its barn doors in 2013 to our first residents, Andy and Annie, two brave piglets who escaped a backyard butcher.

Co-founders Mark and Michelle believe Freedom, smack-dab in the thick of animal agriculture, is where the sanctuary is needed more than anywhere, and given the opportunity to experience the sentience of farmed animals, people will be changed—and those changes will ripple out into the world.

Today, Uplands PEAK is the home to dozens of rescued farm animals and offers educational experiences, volunteer and sponsorship opportunities. 

Uplands PEAK’s promise to their residents is that they will have the best life that they possibly can with all the love, respect, and care that they deserve and need.