To stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, we must cut wasteful government spending. White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a bipartisan coalition of 2 million+ liberty lovers and animal lovers. Our message? Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay $20 billion for wasteful government animal experiments.
We find, expose, and defund the waste with hard-hitting investigations and public policy campaigns. We’ve been featured in USA Today, New York Times, NBC, and thousands more. Richmond Times-Dispatch says WCW's message has "infiltrated the federal government.”
WCW was honored as “Public Affairs Campaign of the Year” by the American Association of Political Consultants and with the LUSH Prize for the world’s top public awareness campaign.We’ve defunded and defeated more government labs than anyone:
- Defunded the Dog Labs: Cut federal tests to their lowest-ever level. Ended nearly 75% at Veterans Administration (VA) and 100% at FDA and CDC.
- Cut the Cat Labs: Closed the government’s largest cat lab (USDA’s $22 million Kitten Slaughterhouse.) Now we're ending all others at VA and beyond.
- Ended EPA's Tests: Only group to pass legislation saving 20,000+ lives/year.
- Ended Government Monkey Business: Closed FDA’s $5.5 million nicotine addiction tests. Rallied Congress to restrict and phase out labs at FDA, VA, and NIH.
- At Home & Abroad: Exposed and ended U.S. funding at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Introduced Delilah's Law to stop labs shopping at China's "wet markets."
- Cut FDA Red Tape: We’re campaigning to end FDA’s 80-year-old mandate on drug makers and save 20,000 beagles each year.
- Made Adoption An Option: Enacted 1st policies to let taxpayers adopt survivors from FDA, NIH, and VA. Introduced Violet’s Law to retire all across the entire federal government.
- Made History in the States & the Swamp: Passed 1st state law to cut tax funding of maximum pain experiments and 1st audits of animal in U.S. history.
We don’t just win. We make history.